Thursday, May 4

8:00 am — Registration

9:00 AM — Opening Session

Inflation, Loss Of Trust & Post-Pandemic Burnout: The Changing Paradigm of Fundraising
Mike Duerksen

10:00 AM — BREAK

10:30 AM — MORNING Workshops

How to Integrate “Gift Planning” into your Fundraising Strategy — Part 1
Paul Nazareth

Most small to medium sized charities have an “unplanned-giving program”. This workshop will take apart the old-school traditional “planned giving” program that isn’t working for anyone in 2023. We will discuss how to “right-size” how much integration is right for your charity ( small shop, geographic location, donor-base by cause-type and demographics) by today’s trends. We will share powerful new data from CAGP’s “Will Power” campaign and from across the sector on how the giving landscape has shifted and where to focus your efforts to raise the most funds by diversifying your revenue streams. We will work in groups on your actual fundraising program (bring materials and questions!) so you can go back to your shop feeling confident that you are doing the best you can, with data and strategy from 2023, not 1993. Securities, life insurance, donor-advised foundations – we will move ‘planned giving’ from the side of your desk to integrating ‘gift planning’ into your fundraising so you can raise more and stop stressing out donors by asking for what they don’t have and help them to take advantage of Canada’s tax-supported giving and be generous without limits.


Community-Led Growth: A Case Study of Growing Revenue Through Donor Engagement
Louis Diez


Saying Thanks with Impact: Techniques for Boosting Donor Loyalty
Becky Longhurst

We focus a lot on mastering the art of “the ask”—but what about the art of gratitude? Turns out, the way we thank donors can have a massive impact on donor retention, loyalty and long-term value.

If done correctly.

So how should we be thanking donors? Should we thank them for their gift, for the difference they have made or for being the kind of person they are or would like to be?

In this practical, hands-on session, we’ll work though a simple framework to help you craft better donor thank yous…and ultimately, raise more money.


Walk over to The Forks with your colleagues, enjoy the patio at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, or go for a walk.

1:15 PM — AFTERNOON Workshops

How to Integrate “Gift Planning” into your Fundraising Strategy — Part 2
Paul Nazareth

Most small to medium sized charities have an “unplanned-giving program”. This workshop will take apart the old-school traditional “planned giving” program that isn’t working for anyone in 2023. We will discuss how to “right-size” how much integration is right for your charity ( small shop, geographic location, donor-base by cause-type and demographics) by today’s trends. We will share powerful new data from CAGP’s “Will Power” campaign and from across the sector on how the giving landscape has shifted and where to focus your efforts to raise the most funds by diversifying your revenue streams. We will work in groups on your actual fundraising program (bring materials and questions!) so you can go back to your shop feeling confident that you are doing the best you can, with data and strategy from 2023, not 1993. Securities, life insurance, donor-advised foundations – we will move ‘planned giving’ from the side of your desk to integrating ‘gift planning’ into your fundraising so you can raise more and stop stressing out donors by asking for what they don’t have and help them to take advantage of Canada’s tax-supported giving and be generous without limits.


How To Build A Thriving Monthly Giving Program
Hannah Moerman


The Copywriting Principles of Philanthropic Psychology
Chris Gilliland, CFRE

What if you wrote your donor a love letter?

What if you told her she’s wonderful and showed her, through your words, how her kindness is making our world a better place?

What do you think might happen?

Yes, your boss might flip out. But the good will waay outweigh the bad, I promise.

I hope you’ll join me in exploring The Copywriting Principles of Philanthropic Psychology. We’ll analyse a real-world fundraising appeal "love letter" that not only surpassed goals—donors wrote love letters back, too.

Do you want that kind of result in your shop? Do you want to draw your donors closer and build deeper, more loving relationships? You can!

Let’s talk philanthropy. The love of humankind.

2:15 PM — BREAK


The Fundraising Flywheel: A Case Study Of Doubling Revenue In 2 Years
Brad Quiring & Mike Duerksen

Friday, May 5


9:00 AM — opening session

The State Of Generosity in Canada
Paul Nazareth

Is there a difference between fundraising, philanthropy and generosity? Where does crowdfunding and the rapidly shifting landscape of technology factor into fundraising and giving trends? Canada has the most generous charitable tax-credit support in the western world but while donations continue to “go up” (to whom?) the number of donors is declining.

Paul will bring insights and data that are uniquely Canadian, so you can take these questions and ideas back to your shop and feel more prepared for the fundraising-landscape to come.

The Generosity Economy is coming. Will your charity be ready?  

10:00 AM — BREAK

10:30 AM — Morning workshops


Launching & Growing A Legacy Giving Program From Nothing: A Case Study
Brad Quiring


How To Grow Donations With Data-Informed Fundraising
Sigrid Penner

Are you data curious?  Do you ever get overwhelmed by the data conversations that are popping up everywhere?  In this workshop, we will:

  • compare data-informed fundraising to building with Lego

  • talk about fundraising metrics and which you should focus on 

  • discuss why metrics matter - how they inform your organization of the donor journey

  • showcase a dashboard that communicates effectively

  • highlight where your organization should start (or continue) on your data-informed journey


How To Craft Fundraising Offers That Open Hearts & Wallets
Mike Duerksen & Becky Longhurst


Walk over to The Forks with your colleagues, enjoy the patio at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, or go for a walk.

1:15 PM — AFTERNOON Workshops


How To Craft & Launch Your Next Donor Survey
Louis Diez


The Fundraising Jam
Becky Longhurst, Christine Gilliland, Hannah Moerman, Mike Duerksen

Bring your toughest, most pressing fundraising challenges to the table and together, we jam on them.

It’s part Q&A, part live-consulting, and part collaborative building.

We’ll put our heads together, challenge one another, and come out the other side with fresh ideas, new perspectives, and a renewed sense of purpose.

So bring your toughest fundraising challenges, and let’s jam

2:15 PM — BREAK


Community: The Last Great Fundraising Strategy In The Age Of Declining Trust
Louis Diez