Wondering if you should attend the Build Good Summit? If you’re…

  • A nonprofit leader serious about developing yourself and improving the performance of your organization…

  • A fundraiser who needs to raise more money directly from donors…

  • A marketer and communicator who needs to tell the story of your organization in compelling and surprising ways to get the attention of donors…

…then this might be the conference you’re looking for.

Taking two days away from the office to attend the Build Good Summit in the company of your peers will result in tangible benefits that will make you a stronger leader and improve the performance of your organization.

you’ll gain new skills and knowledge.

You will participate in hands-on working sessions and presentations from leading experts that will maximize your company’s return on investment.

Among other things, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create a donor-relevant culture in your organization

  • Maximize donor engagement and stewardship

  • Use the power of story and community to raise more money from more donors more often

  • Identify key trends that your organization can tap into, such as changing perceptions of Canadian donors

  • Use your data to improve your fundraising with the donors you already have

  • Improve your organization’s strategic thinking and overall performance

  • Implement simple approaches that drive the best donor experiences — and the best results

you’ll have access to a world-class faculty.

With the conference limited to only 100 participants and each workshop limited to less than 40 people, you’ll have direct access to some of the leading experts in fundraising and marketing in Canada.

Each session and workshop is designed to be interactive with practical learning components, giving you plenty of chances to learn directly from the experts. It’s like getting consulting for a fraction of the cost!

you’ll gain new insights from your peers.

By gathering with other nonprofit and social impact leaders, you’ll gain new insights from your peers and be able to compare with others to ensure that your organization is on par with industry standards and best practices.

You’ll also learn how other organizations similar to yours are finding new and creative ways to attract and retain donors, as well as grow their revenue by improving on proven and tested methods.

You’ll get your whole team on the same page.

Have you ever tried doing something new and different only to have your boss or team say “it’ll never work” and dismissing your ideas?

Are you tired of hearing “we’ve always done it that way” when proposing a change?

Our affordable price allows you to bring your entire team to the conference and walk away with actionable strategies and tactics you can implement tomorrow at your organization — with everyone on the same page!

This conference is best suited for a CEO, Director of Development and Director of Communications & Marketing to attend together (at the very least). Also ideal for: planned giving, digital and donor relations teams.

you’ll position your organization for growth.

Donor preferences in Canada are changing fast. What worked yesterday may not work tomorrow.

Smart fundraisers and marketers — people like you — know they have to invest in proper donor stewardship, fundraising communications and supporter experiences to future-proof their organizations in a sector that is increasingly relying on more funding from fewer people.

By coming to this conference, you are investing in turning the tide of your organization from struggling to prospering in a time of change.

You’ll see a multiple return on your investment.

If coming to the conference helps you raise an additional $500 this year, you will already have more than doubled your investment.

But you won’t stop at $5oo. You’re a rockstar. You’ll make sure to get an exponential return on your investment. You’ll take your newfound knowledge and apply it to raise $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000 or even more this year alone.

Sounds like the right event for you?

Don’t miss out. Space is limited to only 100 tickets.

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Need to convince your boss?

Use this handy email template to persuade your boss and get buy-in to attend the Build Good Summit!